My Colourful Washing line! I wear lots of colourful clothes - and when I hang things out on the washing line I love the way they look! I even make sure they look good on the line - try not to hang two things the same colour next to each other! All for my own benefit of course, but ... :)
That was down in Bowral actually, my Mum's house. I'm back home now after spending a few days down there. Lots of eating (as if I needed that!), good wine, family and good books (among other things)! Not a huge amount of yoga - it is very hard to get warm/flexible enough down there in winter! - but some ...
Now I'm sitting in front of the fire at home, with Jedda curled up in a ball beside me. Very cosy! Tomorrow I must get onto a website for an ex-workmate, which she's already paid me for. And then back to work on Monday ...
1 week ago
What a beautiful laundry vignette! Laundry drying on a line is still a rare sight, even among the greenest.
I much prefer clothes dried on a line - they smell better! I don't even have a dryer at the moment - last one conked out and I haven't got around to replacing it! I only ever used it when it was raining anyway ... :)
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